Duncanville portrait and wedding photography

Duncanville portrait and wedding photography
Portrait and Wedding photography by Hensley Photography in Duncanville

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kim & Nathan

Kim & Nathan are young, fun, and adorable. They are getting married in late September. We took engagement pictures where they had their first date, then a couple of places I suggested. My favorite part was when they broke out these homemade thank you signs that they intend to use for their thank you notes. We traipsed through the woods to get to a creek, climbed on the playground and ended up with a memorable set of pictures.
For her engagement pictures, I had traveled earlier this summer with Kim and her parents to her grandfather's farm about an hour away. It was completely worth the trip because she used places that meant something to her that also offered a variety beyond anything we could have found locally.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why you need prints as much as a cd

In my class blog I tell a true story about a friend who still has not printed any pictures of her daughter's wedding months afterwards. I do understand. Life gets busy and complicated. I am often guilty myself, but I have tried to be more conscious of this. I admit that I haven't printed but a couple of big prints from my dream vacation. I do have big prints on the wall from my children's engagement sessions. But I haven't printed an album lately. I encourage people to invest in an album or a book to have memories to share not just to email or post in a photo bucket. It is these hard copy pictures that you will still be able to find and view years from now. Computers crash. Folders get deleted. Technology changes. Save your memories-print your pictures.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

The flash site is up!

We have finally gotten the new flash site up in a test version. Let us know what you think. We hope to finalize early next week.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grunge filter

Still working on getting the revamped site to work right. I've decided to move to the flash site sooner than expected, so it's almost ready to go. But in the meantime, I've been playing with grunge filters. We saw a lot of interesting filter effects on pictures at the Dallas Bridal Show. I think seniors would like the look as well. Here's one example.