Duncanville portrait and wedding photography

Duncanville portrait and wedding photography
Portrait and Wedding photography by Hensley Photography in Duncanville

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DHS Art Show 2011

I'm so proud of my photo students! This is just a sample of what they will have on exhibit at this year's art show. Come by the Duncanville High School cafeteria Thursday April 21 from 6-8 to see these and others. Free admission and cookies!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Scarborough Faire Bridal Portraits

Caroline and Matt have a fairy tale love story, so it makes sense that they are having a fairy tale wedding. Two years ago they met while serving at other people's weddings at Scarborough Faire Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie. On Memorial Day, other people will serve the Lord and Lady at their own wedding at Scarborough, so of course the only place to do Caroline's bridal portraits was Faire on opening day this year. We tried to balance traditional bridal looks with the fun of festival. One of our favorites is the pirate bride since Matt is wearing a similar hat at the wedding. Thanks to the young woman passing by who loaned us this one for the photo since the idea just came to us as we passed the pirate ship. Every one we asked to help us out, like the Queen's guards, smiled and happily cooperated. We can't wait to take the wedding photos. Congratulations, Caroline and Matt!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Senior Portraits Maggie

Last weekend I went with Maggie to the Cedar Ridge Preserve, formerly the Dallas Nature Center, for her senior portraits. It offered a lot of interesting settings and a place where she could easily change clothes to get a variety of looks. Within a couple of hours, we had so much variety, I had a hard time choosing for the blog. Even though the bluebonnets were stunning, I think my favorite was in a field of tall grass. I was so glad that Maggie was so natural and easy to work with. When I asked her to go sit in the field, she didn't even hesitate. Maggie is planning to study anthropology at SMU starting in the fall. Congratulations on your graduation! I know you'll love SMU!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Senior Portraits-Sarah

A couple of weeks ago, Sarah and her mom came by after school for senior portraits. We went to Lions Park in Duncanville, one of my favorite on-location sites, where Sarah rocked her letter jacket along with a couple of simple clothing changes. We had to pause a couple of times because it was the windiest day of the spring, but overall the wind just gave her hair a little something extra. Once we started with cap and gown photos, we used the back of a nearby business to get a vibrant red wall background since Duncanville High School's colors are red and blue. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Sarah!